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How to Measure Your Pupillary Distance(PD)?

You'll need to know your PD if you want to order glasses from KZFOO. Don't worry if your glasses prescription doesn't include your PD, we can show you how to measure it by yourself.

PD, or pupillary distance, refers to the distance in millimeters between the center of one pupil to the center of the other. Having a correct PD on your glasses prescription ensures that you are looking through the ideal spot in your lenses. If this number was not provided on your prescription by your eye care professional, you can measure it yourself.

Note: Most adults have a PD between 54 - 78 mm. Most children have a PD between 43 - 54 mm. Might be a bit different compared to practical measurements. Please measure your PD 2-3 times to ensure you get the accurate results.

Step 1, Print our downloadable PD ruler

Print PD ruler at 100% size. Do not use ‘scaling’ or ‘fit’ setting. Print setting should be ‘actual size’.


Step 2, Fold

Fold printout along the dotted line.

Step 3, Mirror or Friend

Stand 8 inches (20 cm) away from a mirror or a friend. Place & hold the PD ruler against your brow. Keep your face straight.

Stand 8 inches (20 cm) away from a mirror or a friend. Place & hold the PD ruler against your brow. Keep your face straight.

Step 4, Align to Zero

First, close your right eye and align the ruler’s zero to the center of your left pupil.

First, close your right eye and align the ruler’s zero to the center of your left pupil.

Step 5, Open Right, Close Left

Next, open your right eye and close your left eye.

Next, open your right eye and close your left eye.

Step 6, Your PD

Look straight ahead and read the millimeter line that matches up with the center of your right pupil. This number represents your single PD in millimeters.

Look straight ahead and read the millimeter line that matches up with the center of your right pupil. This number represents your single PD in millimeters.

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